Who we are

Court of Appeal of Venice, Italy (Coordinator)
It is the Second Instance Jurisdiction in relation to the judgements delivered by the following first-instance courts: Venice, Padova, Verona, Vicenza, Rovigo, Belluno and Treviso. Currently, it is in charge of approx. 11,300 criminal proceedings. The Court of Appeal deals with appeals against judgments issued by the lower courts of the district, examining cases ‘on the merits’. The Court of Appeal is composed of three chambers (criminal, civil, labour), each of which is divided into chambers specialised in areas of work. In particular, the Court of Appeal of Venice is currently responsible for approximately 11,300 criminal cases; 4,000 civil proceedings; 2,650 work procedures. The Court’s staff is composed of: a President of the Court; eight section/chamber presidents; 53 judges. It is at the forefront among Italian judicial bodies in the application of innovative practices and novel technologies.

KMOP, Greece
KMOP, established in 1977, is one of the oldest civil society organisations in Greece offering social support services and implementing a diverse array of programs aimed at empowering and enhancing the well-being of individuals and communities. In recent years, KMOP has expanded its reach globally, currently having a presence in 5 countries and operating permanent offices in Athens, Piraeus, Thessaloniki, Brussels, Skopje, and Tirana.
KMOP is dedicated to addressing social challenges through evidence-based solutions that promote individual and collective prosperity. Our focus is on designing and executing innovative social services that enhance individual self-worth, reduce inequality, and foster inclusive and sustainable social development.
Over the past 20 years, we have successfully carried out more than 400 social innovation initiatives with the support of both institutional and private donors. Our efforts have directly benefited over 85,000 individuals. For more information, you can visit: www.kmop.org.

AGENFOR International Foundation, Italy
Agenfor International Foundation (AGF) is an NGO officially recognised by the Italian Ministry of Interior as a public interest body, specialising in participative security, international law, and human rights, focusing on innovative technologies. Also has experience in delivering research and practical workshops to practitioners in the security and justice fields.

Murcia Police Department, Spain
Murcia Police Department is a municipal law enforcement agency dedicated to ensuring public safety, maintaining order, and promoting community well-being within the city of Murcia, Spain. Its responsibilities include traffic management, crime prevention, urban security, and enforcing local regulations. The force is deeply committed to serving the community, working closely with citizens to foster trust and improve safety. Additionally, the Murcia Police Department is actively involved in handling emergencies, safeguarding vulnerable populations, and preventing hate crimes, human trafficking, and other forms of organized crime.
The department prioritizes innovation and modernization, integrating new technologies to enhance its capabilities in areas such as cybercrime prevention and digital security. As part of its broader strategic goals, the Local Police of Murcia collaborates with national and international partners, participating in European projects to improve security, urban mobility, and public services through data-driven approaches. This collaborative spirit aligns with the force’s commitment to continual improvement and global cooperation.

Hellenic Police, Greece
The Hellenic Police is subordinated to the Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection. The Hellenic Police assumed its present structure in 1984 when the Gendarmerie (Chorofylaki) and the Urban Police Forces were merged (Law 1481/1-10-1984, Government Gazette 152 A). Hellenic Police is comprised of both central and regional Services. Hellenic Police`s headquarters is the supreme authority over these Services. Its efforts centre on the fulfilment of the Force`s mission, within the framework of the Ministry of Interior`s policy. For this reason, it schedules, directs, oversees, and monitors the activities of its Services, and it ensures the necessary conditions for the exercise of its authority. In its continuous mission to serve and protect citizens, HP has responded to our times` demands and challenges by improving training, adopting a modern crime prevention policy, better utilizing science and technology and by exploiting international law enforcement cooperation.

National Association of Italian Municipalities of the Emilia Romagna Region, Italy
ANCI Emilia Romagna is a National Association of Italian Municipalities of the Emilia Romagna Region, established in 1969 in Bologna and represents the associated local authorities of the Emilia Romagna region, pursuing the objectives of the national association within the regional level. Currently, member Municipalities are 310 out of 330.
ANCI Emilia Romagna is a space for debate and experiences exchanges regarding the needs o the local authorities and its action ensures a necessary coordination between the local authorities. In particular, his activity concerns information, updating and in-depth study of various issues to support the Municipalities, especially after legislative changes, in themes such as energy efficiency, sustainability, the administration and accounting of local authorities, safety and civil protection, among others.
ANCI Emilia Romagna is able to activate resources and contacts in the field of local police and social policies, identifying good practices and methodologies applied by the local authority and associations.

Center for Security Studies, Greece
The Center for Security Studies (Kentro Meleton Asfaleias – KEMEA), founded in 2005 by Law 3387, is a scientific, consulting and research organization overseen by the Minister of Citizen Protection. Its principal purpose is to conduct theoretical and applied research and studies, particularly at strategic level, on security topics and policies.
Moreover, it is the think-tank of the Ministry of Citizen Protection on numerous policies such as public order, correctional services, terrorism prevention, crime prevention, integrated border management and civil protection as well as on various other security and societal issues; it also provides advisory and consulting risk-management services to an array of public and private organizations.

Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies, Spain
FUNDEA is a specialised Spanish institution working in the fields of cooperation, training, and research. It has been tasked with promoting cultural, scientific, and economic relations between Europe and the Arab world through the dissemination of scientific and humanistic knowledge produced at universities and other centres for research or artistic creation, both nationally and internationally, to strengthen the dialogue between Arab and European states.

High Prosecutorial Council, Albania
From December 2018, it is created by law the High Prosecutorial Council, which is one of the most important bodies, built to support the Justice Reform in the Republic of Albania.
According to the Article 149 of the Constitution, the High Prosecutorial Council guarantees the independence, accountability, discipline, status and career of Prosecutors in the Republic of Albania. The High Prosecutorial Council is composed of eleven members, six of
them are prosecutors from all levels of the prosecution service, and the other five members are jurists, non-prosecutors selected from ranks of advocates, law professors and representatives of civil society. The High Prosecutorial Council is composed of standing committees. Each Committee consists of three members. The HPC is a constitutional independent body, and performs its activity in plenary meetings.